Graphviz Support

In order to include graphviz diagram, add the following attribute to the page metadata section:

viz: true

You may then start adding diagrams.

Directed graphs

To embed directed graphs, add code block section labeled with viz-dot as a language:

  digraph g { 
  node[shape="circle" , label="", width=0.2, height=0.2]
  l21[xlabel="a", width=0.1, height=0.1 , style=filled]
  l22[width=0.1, height=0.3, style=filled]

  l1 -> l21
  l1 -> l22
  l21 -> l31 [xlabel="r"]
  l21 -> l32
  l22 -> l33
  l22 -> l34
  digraph g { 
  node[shape="circle" , label="", width=0.2, height=0.2]
  l21[xlabel="a", width=0.1, height=0.1 , style=filled]
  l22[width=0.1, height=0.3, style=filled]

  l1 -> l21
  l1 -> l22
  l21 -> l31 [xlabel="r"]
  l21 -> l32
  l22 -> l33
  l22 -> l34


Engimo is uing 1.8.2 version of viz.js project for rendering.